Tuesday, June 29, 2010

George Washington

"I rejoice in a belief that intellectual light will spring up in the dark corners of the earth; that freedom of enquiry will produce liberality of conduct; that mankind will reverse the absurd position that the many were, made for the few; and that they will not continue slaves in one part of the globe, when they can become freemen in another."

~ George Washington, draft of First Inaugural Address, 1789

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Just Another One Of Those Days

Just one of those days.

Government gets bigger.

Your taxes go higher.

Your paycheck buys less.

The dollar becomes worth less, and less until it becomes


Lenny Ladner

Just Another One Of Those Days

Just one of those days.

Government gets bigger.

Your taxes go higher.

Your paycheck buys less.

The dollar becomes worth less, and less until it becomes


Lenny Ladner


“When you have a crisis try and make the most of it.”

White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel.

(Financial Crisis, 2008, Health Care, Louisiana Oil Platform)

(LDL: Of course the answer to these and other crisis to come is to increase the size, cost, extend the reach and power of the government)

"Pretty Neat Trick"

Sunday, June 13, 2010

On The Coming Deception

It's too wet this morning to cut hay or plow so I'm watching the FOX network and Judge Napolitano's premier show FREEDOM WATCH. His guests include Palin and the two Paul's. Have I completely flipped my paranoiacle wig as the current goings-on politically remind me of Mr. Welch's sage appraisal that if America is to fall to the communists it will be under REPUBLICAN control? He made the statement at least twice in public; in Chattanooga early on, and later at John Birch Day in Atlanta; and surely somewhere in print - maybe a BULLETIN perhaps. I don't have to have it in black-and-white because I know and understand what he said but it would be nice to document so as to placate my nit-pickin' critics and sticklers for chapter and verse under oath for every time I blow my nose.

The scary thing about the whole political climate is that all the ballyhooed "good" stuff points to a Republican switch-a-roo in November using the Tea Party activists as shills for RINO's and Neo-cons. Are we being set-up for a "good cop"/"bad cop" scenario with an outcome in keeping with Mr. Welch's appraisal? Stranger things have happened, you know. Newt Gangrene and his staged charade immediately comes to mind. I'm jus sayn'.

And please don't waste time trying to "prove" me wrong. It's just a surmise of two great minds anyway - Mr' Welch's and mine.

Harvey Howard

Charles Callan Tansil

“It is an age-old axiom that rulers often, in periods of dire economic distress, seek by a bold foreign policy to divert attention from the home front to distant stormy horizons.

Some historians believe that, in 1937, President Roosevelt followed this axiom with regard to his famous quarantine speech delivered in Chicago
on October 5, 1937.

There is no doubt that he was deeply concerned over the severe economic recession in the United States which became manifest in the late summer of 1937. After a conversation with the President on august 11, Ambassador Dodd recorded in his diary that the Chief Executive was “greatly troubled about the danger of war and also the continued depression in the United States.”

From Charles Callan Tansill’s “Back Door To War.”
Page 342.
Quote from Ambassador Dodd, “Ambassador Dodd’s Diary.”


You can’t have a war without an enemy.

If you don’t have an enemy create one.

War has always been used by the ruling elite as a way of

Lenny Ladner

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rockefeller Internationalist

Emanuel Josephson

“Rockefeller, Internationalists the Man Who Misrules the World”

Page 75

His program was a recrudescence of one which was old
when it was introduced by the Gracchi in ancient Rome and
which eventually destroyed the Empire. It furthered
Bismarck's quest for personal power in several ways. First, it
robbed the Socialists of the planks of their platform which
made the greatest appeal to the mob—Social Security,
Unemployment Insurance, Workmen's Compensation, Health
Insurance, and all the other quasi-benevolent and paternalistic
clap-trap. Bismarck shrewdly saw in these plans, devices
fashioned to destroy liberty and to chain the workingclass to
his program and to any jobs to which they might be assigned.
He saw in that program a snare which would deceive them
into accepting submarginal wages and the surrender of
adequate present existence in return for a mirage of future
security. As a means of winning the favor of the workers and
of gaining some measure of power over industry and entree to
its records, a part of the cost was levied on the employers.
This made of what conceivably might have been a boon to the
worker a penalty on industry for offering employment; and
meant a tax on industry which materially increased the cost of
production. Both factors ultimately operated to increase

Tea Act Of 1773

“Resolved, that whoever shall aid or abet, or in any manner assist,

in the introduction of tea from any place whatsoever, into this colony,

while it is subject, by a British Act of Parliament, to the payment of a duty,

for the purpose of raising a revenue in America,

he shall be deemed an enemy to the liberties of America."

The Association of the Sons of Liberty of New York,

in reaction to the 1773 Tea Act. Dec. 15, 1773

Where are these PATRIOTS today????????

TEA Parties

The poison is in the party (Republican) and not in the TEA.”

Richard Ward

Patrick Henry

"Were my soul trembling on the wing of eternity, were this hand freezing to death, were my voice choking with the last struggle, I would still, with the last gasp of that voice, implore you to remember the truth: God has given America to be free." - Patrick Henry