You can’t have a war without an enemy.
If you don’t have an enemy create one.
War has always been used by the ruling elite as a way of
Lenny Ladner
I do a lot of reading. Sometimes, more often than not I come upon a great quote or a great book. I happy to share this information with you.
You can’t have a war without an enemy.
If you don’t have an enemy create one.
War has always been used by the ruling elite as a way of
Lenny Ladner
“It is an age-old axiom that rulers often, in periods of dire economic distress, seek by a bold foreign policy to divert attention from the home front to distant stormy horizons.
Some historians believe that, in 1937, President Roosevelt followed this axiom with regard to his famous quarantine speech delivered in Chicago on October 5, 1937.
There is no doubt that he was deeply concerned over the severe economic recession in the United States which became manifest in the late summer of 1937. After a conversation with the President on august 11, Ambassador Dodd recorded in his diary that the Chief Executive was “greatly troubled about the danger of war and also the continued depression in the United States.”
From Charles Callan Tansill’s “Back Door to war.”
Page 342.
Quote from Ambassador Dodd, “Ambassador Dodd’s Diary.”
“When you have a crisis try and make the most of it.”
White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel.
(Financial Crisis, 2008, Health Care, Louisiana Oil Platform)
Just one of those days.
Government gets bigger.
Your taxes go higher.
Your paycheck buys less.
The dollar becomes worth less, and less until it becomes
Lenny Ladner
"I rejoice in a belief that intellectual light will spring up in the dark corners of the earth; that freedom of enquiry will produce liberality of conduct; that mankind will reverse the absurd position that the many were, made for the few; and that they will not continue slaves in one part of the globe, when they can become freemen in another."
~ George Washington, draft of First Inaugural Address, 1789
If I owe you a thousand dollars I am your slave.
If I owe you a million dollars you are my slave.
China is holding a lot of WORTHLESS paper.
Charlie Smith.
The way to stop being treated like a lemming is to think for yourself.
Thomas Dewey
“Let them [Conservatives] write letters, let them petition, let them pass resolutions; just as long as they have no place else to go, [Republican Party] forget them”
Thomas E. Dewey
Governor of New York
Republican Presidential Candidate 1944, 1948.
Quote from “Nixon the Man Behind the Mask”
Gary Allen
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
“Now to bring about government by oligarchy masquerading as democracy, it is fundamentally essential that practically all authority and control be centralized in our National Government.”
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
President (Dictator) 1933-1945
Quote from “Nixon the Man Behind the Mask”
Gary Allen
President Andrew Johnson
“Your States, are sinking into mere petty corporations…. Mere satellites of an inferior character, revolving around the great central power here in Washington. There is where your danger is. It is not in centrifugal power being too great, but in the centripetal influence all drawing here.”
“The tendency of the legislation of this country is to build up monopolies.
To build up the money power
To concentrate power in the hands of the few. The tendency is for classes and against the great mass of the people.
From Claude Bower’s “The Tragic Years”, Page 30
“The indifference of the people is the opportunity of the despot”
Frank Norris
“The Octopus”
“Political labels and party names are often taken at their face value by uninformed people. They thus have provided excellent screens behind which politicians can practice the deceptions necessary to their craft.”
Stanley K. Loomis
From, “Paris In The Terror”
“All this talking is very well,” he declared, “but the head of the Executive Council ought to be given dictatorial powers. That’s the only way we will be able to get the quick decisions that will save France.”
Fabre d’Eglantine speaking to Madame Roland
From “Paris In The Terror”
By Stanley Loomis
“My countrymen know one another and you will love one another.”
Lucius Q. C. Lamar
Congressman from Mississippi
From “The Tragic Era” by Claude Bowers.