Sunday, December 18, 2011

Charlie Smith on Obama

"Everything he says is more government.

He pretends to be solving problems

But he is creating a bigger problem.

The best example of that would be this bailout of these Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the problem.

The government is involved in housing which it shouldn’t be in the first place.

The net result of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is going to be the abolition of property and land.

(An application to turn to public services.)

That is that Marxist crap.

Fannie Mae is writing its own ticket.

Freddie Mac is writing its own ticket.

They are allowed to issue their own bonds.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac issue their own bonds.

That is what the debt is.

So with the bailouts Obama is making the problem worse.

You cannot solve the problem of balancing the budget

By spending more money.

The nuttiest thing I ever heard was a woman saying they are going to spend more money and balance the budget.

That’s as dumb and tricky as Franklin Roosevelt saying “We can spend ourselves out of debt.”

You can spend yourself rich, and Obama is just another nut along the way."

LDL Pretty Neat Trick.

CS. Can’t be done.

Blank Check Video.

Shot 1/9/2010

Pretty Neat Trick Video

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